Trailblazer in
Dormitory Management
Tee Up’s General Manager, Mr Kelvin Low has also served as Secretary-General at the Dormitory Association of Singapore Limited (DASL) from 2015 to 2017 and 2019 to 2021. DASL’s main aim is to be the aggregator of better standards for dormitory housing and living. It works closely with government agencies and other stakeholders to achieve this goal.
Kelvin has been at the forefront of Singapore’s fight against the spread of Covid-19 in migrant worker dormitories. He has assisted many ministries and government agencies with developing and managing temporary dormitories in Singapore.

Mr Kelvin Low
General Manager
Helping Our Nation Recover
As part of his role as Secretary-General of DASL, our General Manager, Mr Kelvin Low, has been called upon by various ministries and agencies to help in the management of the Covid-19 situation in Singapore. He has played a critical role in the development and management of these temporary care and dormitory facilities:
Changi Exhibition Centre Community Care Facility (CCF)
This is where people who have tested positive for Covid-19 and who have mild symptoms and lower risk factors are being cared for.

Community Recovery Facilities (CRF) at Tanjong Pagar Terminal and Singapore Turf Club
Patients who remain well at the end of the 14th day after being diagnosed and who do not require further medical care may be moved to these facilities.

The insight gained from this experience has informed Tee Up’s robust system of maintaining a clean, conducive and safe living environment for its residents. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, PPT Lodge 1A is the first purpose-built dormitory with full-fledged in-house Covid-19 facilities, which included a Swab Isolation Facility (SIF), a Dormitory Isolation Facility (DIF), a Community Care Facility (CCF), a Community Recovery Facility (CRF) as well as a Building for Recovered Workers (BRW).
Safeguards Against Covid-19
Tee Up takes the fight against Covid-19 very seriously. We believe in staying vigilant, therefore we've implemented safety measures to prevent and minimise the spread of the virus in our dormitories:
- No intermingling between residents of different blocks and floors. Boundaries are clearly demarcated.
- Each block has a dedicated fenced pathway and turnstile for entry and exit.
- Staggered timings for residents to leave for work.
- Separate waiting areas for the pick-up and drop-off of workers, so that workers living in different blocks or working for different employers do not intermingle.
Safe Use of
Common Facilities
- Only 2 residents from each unit are allowed to cook at the communal kitchen at any one time (requires kitchen pass).
- Only 2 residents from each unit are allowed to visit the minimart at any one time (requires Minimart pass).
- Disinfection of high-touch areas twice daily.
- Placing of sanitisers in common areas.
- Additional hand soaps in the toilets, dining areas and kitchen areas.
Other Precautionary
- Allocation of rooms with fencing for temporary isolation purposes, swab administration purposes as well as for workers on medical leave.
- All visitors must check into the premises with safe-entry and undergo temperature taking.
- Face masks must be worn at all times.